Notes on the Pigeon Fanciers Society of NSW and Fanciers over the last 100 years. By Walter Hitchell
There is very little written evidence of the early years but we do know that in 1917 a meeting was held at the Sydney Tie Company’s office in Sydney to form a Fancy Pigeon Club and Dave O’Keefe was present and remained a member all his life and is still fondly remembered by our senior members.
Prior to this time a New South Wales Fancy Pigeon Club was formed in 1887 for both Fancy Pigeons and Utility Breeds as they were popular and not covered by racing clubs. Unfortunately there are no known records of Shows held or when this club ceased operations.
Breeds shown at the end of the 19th century included Hungarians, Damascenes, Owls, (English and African), Beards (Short and Long Face), Fantails, Magpies, Satinettes, Turbets, Nuns, Pouters, English Show Homers, Ice (Barred and Spangled), Tumblers (Parlour, Muffed, Short & Long Faced), Barbs, Antwerps, Bald Heads, Carriers, Marthams, Dragoons, Birmingham Rollers, Norich Croppers, and Helmets.
Given the smaller population back then the Fancy was very strong due to a large percentage of the population having kept pigeons at some time.
I have many issues of the Australasian Pigeon Keeper devoted to Racing, Fancy and Utility breeds dating from volume 6 No.14 July 4th 1926 (price 3d published weekly) up to the last issue Volume 8 No.32 August 11th 1928. It would be fair to say it commenced in 1920. My earlier issues have a colour front page and many photos inside printed on good paper while the later issues are much plainer and a slightly smaller page size using poorer quality paper still priced at 3d. A section entitled “The Aviculturist” highlighted Canaries and Cage Birds was introduced in 1928 but failed to make it viable.
There are mentions of the Utility Pigeon Breeders Association of NSW and talk of combining with the PFS of NSW but very little else as to what happened. They did not report on shows in the APK but the Utility Club was listed in the clubs register in the APK up to November 12 1927 and this listing was not in the December 31 edition.
The PFS and members featured in articles but actual data is very thin on actual figures and is frustrating for research. A Young Bird Show was held, as well as a Annual Show which was first held in 1917 the year of the birth of the PFS. In 1926 a report in the APK dated 24th July said their recent Show was a spectacular success but ran at a loss. The following details were given.
Income: Donations ₤7/18/06, club donation ₤2/12/06, entry fees ₤27/08/00, sundries 19/00, Total ₤38/18/00
Expenditure: Special prize money ₤9/18/00, ordinary prize money ₤25/12/06, refund cancelled classes ₤4/16/00, labour, rent & sundries ₤4/08/06, schedules ₤1/15/00, postage 19/07, cartage ₤1/05/00, adverts 10/00, total ₤49/04 07.
W. H. Walker Hon Secretary.
In the same issue of the APK is a show report on Manilla show by the judge A. E. Powell. The Champion Pigeon was a “Blue Chequered Flying Homer who has flown 420 miles - a very nice headed bird, alert eye and splendidly chequered”. Awards also went to Homer classes, Fantails, Magpies, London Dragoons, Carneaux, Mondaines and to encourage young fanciers there were awards to pupils of Manilla school with 14 entries. 1st place to to K Liddy, 2nd place Jack Grant, 3rd place H Lane also VHC awards. Also in the for sale section in the APK are adverts for racing homers from imported bloodlines, Hansenne, Vandevelde, Soffle and crosses by W Foy- Rockdale. Jacobins and Pigmy Pouters all colours by Frank Crotty- Victoria. Jacobins in black, red and white by H.R. Welham- Burnie Tasmania. Jacobins in all colours priced from 20 shillings and worth from 40 shillings by F Flew Chatswood ph J2149.
Young Bird Shows were held in the early years and one was held in 1927 but details are limited to the comment that it was successful. Sometime after this (unknown) the YBS ceased to be held until it was revived in 1973 at Castle Hill Showgrounds as a Lawn Show with Vaughan Kelly, Walter Hitchell, John Hanson, Bob Montgomery and others with their children in attendance. It was a success and has been held each year since and is a major event on our calendar. It was held on the last Sunday in May and developed into a 2 day show on the last weekend in May.
When I joined the PFS in 1958 the President was Keith Langford-Smith from the Marella Mission Farm at Kellyville who had taken over from George Ardill from Concord who ran a Orphanage called “Our Childrens Home” 1918 to 1982 with the main building named Ardill House and showed Turbits as well as other breeds.
Keith Langford -Smith was also known as “the Sky Pilot” and for many years he conducted a radio session on 2CH known as the Sky Pilots Log. In 1931 he purchased a Gypsy Moth and flew out of the Roper River Mission. He also wrote articles in the late 1920’s for APK under the name of the sky pilot. These were generally on Racing Pigeons although when I knew him he showed Saxon Spots. His wife was Gwen and his Secretary at the mission farm was Norma Warwick who was also the Secretary of the PFS.
The PFS in 1958 met at the old Trades Hall in Haymarket and for a teenager these could be very noisy if there was a Trade Union meeting on with chairs being thrown across the room - on a different floor I might add. The Minutes Secretary was George Hanson and he was accompanied by his son John. We used the meeting room that Alchoholics Anonymous used and their banner was displayed at the front of the room.
December 18 1926. A profile on G. C. Cronin states that it is an eye opener to visit his lofts as he has 20 different varieties most of rare quality. His winnings have been very extensive and he is never shy in buying a good bird. He was a vice-President of the PFS. He went on to become a Vice President of the RAS of NSW in the 50’s and 60’s.
April 9 1927. Royal Show entries were 1220 which was an increase of 247 on the previous Royal in 1926. This was the largest entry for some years. There were some very large indiviual entries which greatly helped the total entries.
September 10 1927. Reported that Bobby Morrison of Brisbane sings Harry Lauders songs to his pouters and this may explain why they perform so well on the show bench. (I remember Bob as a renowned Fantail judge and in fact he arranged for the Brisbane Royal to invite me to judge Fancy Pigeons. A long time ago.)
Also reported that Jack and Will Bentley joined the PFS at their last meeting. They brought out their stud of White Long Faced Tumblers (5 from Tom Watts loft in Scotland and 5 of their own breeding) which Jack showed all his life eventually settling in Bega. Jack was a very well known Long Faced Tumbler expert and there are many quotes of his in Dr G L Clarks book “The Long Faced Tumbler”. 50years later Jack exported some back to England.
Feb 25 1928. The 10th Annual meeting of the PFS was held at the APK offices with the following elected :- President Mr W. N. Wilkinson, Vice Presidents Messrs J Christey & Mr W. H. Smith, Secretary Mr W. H. Walker, Treasuer Mr D.H. Porter and 7 Committee F Ellis, R. Goddard, D. Porter, D. O’Keefe, F. Flew, H. Douglass and J.H. Shaw. This is the second mention of our old mate Dave O’Keefe who was also elected as a committee member in 1927 and a mainstay at our meetings all of his life.
Remembering Our Members
Jim Mackay - Treasurer - 51 Years Service
The Royal Agricultural Society of NSW (RAS) on Thursday 17th March 2016 presented Jim Mackay our PFS of NSW Inc - Treasurer, a Certificate of Appreciation for services toward to RAS, an amazing 51 years service at the Sydney Show. Congratulations to Jim for his continued hard work with the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW in promoting the Fancy Pigeon, Congratulations Jim on behalf of the PFS and the Pigeon fraternity.
Jim Mackay being presented is award by Grahame Sharp at the Award and Presentation night.